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Discharge That Sh**! Issues and Deceptions


Please report your issues with Tmeka and her Discharge That Sh**! here. 

Please provide screenshots if possible.


I have been listening to her videos (along with many others) trying to piece everything together. I have noticed multiple people commenting on her threads (or in her Q&A) that they paid for something from her, but hadn't received it yet. She always responds by telling them she will call them in the next day or two. Since this question was posted here, I'm guessing that what she teaches is NOT the way to go -- is that correct? Like everyone else, I'm seeking answers but trying to avoid the landmines. Blessings to all of you!


I've been watching paths2frdm over and over and this is the clearest best info. I have no money and have gotten all the info I needed from YouTube and the posts on instagram. She is excellent and is really a sad day when I see comments like this without checking themselves. You should see the number of success stories she has and she definitely knows her s*&^. There is updated material with DTS 2.0 and Treasury Direct Account information. Maybe it's just me, but her presentation is clear and concise and gets you to understand what's REALLY going on. This is about SECURITIES FRAUD.

Angie Singleton

PATHS2FRDM's the way she teaches you have to do your due diligence and READ everything that she teaches she has done herself and she uses their own words that are in the Acts and the UCC's, the 1099's, and her receipts speak for themselves. She has an overabundance of DM's and emails and she will tell you she will not answer them. The only bad thing about that is if you have a problem with a class that you have paid for getting a hold of her is hard. She knows her stuff I have to give credit where it is due.


We are interested in hearing success stories with her theories from you guys... so please feel free to report back after you've tried. Too many gurus over promise and under deliver...


I have tried the steps in Discharge That Sh**! I did the copying the contract on the bond paper and went to Navy Federal and Fidelity to get a Medallion stamp they both said the same it was just a contract printed on paper they said they couldn't medallion stamp that and Fidelity wanted to know who told me that lie and I let him hear the part on the video were she said how to do it He said that it was not accurate and I did it step by step what she said do, so I do know that part was not accurate from Fidelity and Navy Federal confirming. I research everything now before making a fool of myself. I haven't tried anything else from the video but I'm still researching.

Francesca Roman

I first heard of Tmeka last year and signed up for one of her zoom videos. DTS in April. I didn't understand anything she said and couldn't get ahold of her for the repost dates or any documents she said we would get. Finally in December she released it publicly and I just finally watched it on YT and got the transcript and went over it. She gives you a lot of information but spends too much time gabbing and then leaves out information. Plus, for as long as she claims she's been doing this, she surely forgets the exact names of the Acts she's wanting us to read up on and she often misnames the forms or the websites. But still, the information is not complete enough to have been a class for someone to actually do much with it. I just dropped her after not being able to get any answers. Then I found the new kid. Brandon-Joe: Williams. He learned from Hauser, Straight, AvR, James C Lovett, and many others and he put all of that information in a more orderly and easier to follow fashion. Plus, he gives it away for free. My favorite part. is his site. The student became the teacher and he has outpaced his teachers. Granted, there are more than one way to do these things but I like his ways because he will show you exactly where in the law it is that he sees this. Tmeka's adopted nephew, Caleb Holt, seems to have seen Brandon's videos and is doing it similar, except he sits there and reads the whole thing completely where Brandon reads a little, summarizes it for you and tells you to read the rest. He is now starting to get into the remedy parts and litigation so, I'm looking forward to the rest of his new courses. I still watch Hauser's videos but they take too long and lately they are more of updates on his situation. I'm sad that he's had to go through so much but he has learned a lot and is teaching it to us. So everyone just has to find the teacher who's style they can understand. Tmeka just isn't there for us. Plus I think she charges too much and for someone who keeps saying she wants everyone to be free too, not being a reliable source and still charging for the information is just the kind of corporate mindset I don't like paying too much attention to. God's way is to be in service to others. Charging for people's needs is a corporate tactic. Seems like everyone out there is charging for their misinformation. That's why I like Brandon and Chris Hauser. They are of service to others and Hauser takes donations, he doesn't ask for a fee for his information. You still get the info. So I don't mind helping when I can.

Bryan Nevius

Paths2FRDM info recently stopped my home sale/auction [I have solid proof too but I am not making it PUBLIC] by me hiring some smart guys for $5000 that was using some of Path2FRDM info, I had heard of Path beforehand but was skeptical. Path2 has said on videos it stopped other home sales too as it did mine if done the RIGHT way and that was significant for me and others I am sure. Paths stuff can be HARD to grasp since there is no real class room written material. The guys I hired spent a lot of time studying Paths and other material and were worthy of their hire for me anyhow. In the beginning we were going to sue the bank in a different way but we tried Paths material instead due to some success stories and trying to stay out of these CORRUPT Courts, most Federal Court judges are bought and paid for by the banks and are as corrupt as it gets, I have firsthand knowledge of that too. Some people fail others do not using Paths material. I think there is a very precise way of doing it RIGHT including the language/instructions in the cover letter sent with the Note…

This will tell you a little about it;

Explanation of What I Think is Taking Place by Sending the Endorsed Note Back to the Bank

What happened was when I was at the closing table I gave the bank a signed blank instrument [Note] using MY CREDIT that the bank could do whatever they wanted to do with it. It was an asset [just like dumb me handing over cash to them] on their books so they could loan it back to me, so they charged me full value plus interest.. Banks are very limited on what they can loan out, it was my own credit/money. They are NOTHING but a middleman loaning you back your own FUNDS. WHAT A RACKET...

So what you are doing now is re-issuing it the right way. Since I am the one who created it or the maker of it [which is key] I have the right [in the UCC] to go back in time. You’re fixing what you forgot to do which was to put a qualified endorsement with a pay to the order of with the medallion signature transfer on it.

I identified it [the signed stamped Note] as a security being transferred back to the bank with a medallion stamp signature guarantee. I did a qualified restrictive endorsement. If they the bank are honorable they should now settle everything. You do not have to have the original Note either, it can be a copy and if they endorsed it that needs to be removed.

You are sending them a tender of payment. See UCC 3-603, it is now PAID and there is discharge, plain and simple. I have heard it may be possible to go back after things are settled and get some of the funds paid on that Note back but I have not looked into that.


I have been years learning from different people and applying ways but I am very precaution before try something only 2 ways of 100s have been working, path2frdm appear to me in instragram 3 moths ago and I very epseptical I don't know yet, they know some information they really do and I cantell because I have been on this for 6 years reading and doing research but I like to listen to my guts and something is not convincing me yet. So I don't have proof yet of anything but I am going to try something first and back to you guys with results. I found this website because doing my research about tmeeka and caleb and boom red flag again so well. If someone can contact me to give me more info about this people or post it here to keep reading will be great thanks guy.

9 Answers
Best Answer

Discharge That Sh**!  teaches that you can get your car title by stating that the debt is satisfied and providing a certified UCC search from your state showing that there is no lien on the car. 

Someone just reported going to the DMV and did just that but they made it clear that they would need a loan satisfaction letter from the bank in order to release the lien and issue a new title. He said that he explained to them that it is the law (like Tmeka said in the video without  referencing that alleged law) that with a statement that the debt obligation has been satisfied and the certified UCC search showing no liens, that they should release a clear title.. but the DMV stated that it is their policy to have a satisfaction letter from the lien holder in order to remove the lien. 

I guess the eloquent statement from Tmeka sounding like it was a bullet proof solution does not seem to work...

If you have different results or experienced success with this please post a comment here.

Cindy Pope
Best Answer

Definitely not an easy process. We have to keep praying and studying and be discerning and wise. We have an enemy who runs the beast system and wants us in slavery, confusion and deception. It is first and foremost a spiritual battle. 

Best Answer

DO NOT FORGET THE MAN IS FIGHTING A CASE.  READ A BOOK  the man is doing his best to help people.  Chris is back on YouTube

Jordan cohen
Best Answer

I have followed her National State Citizen video and have been having success with most of the process. I’m still waiting for SSN updates and passport updates. I’m wanting to pay for her discharge that sh*t class and her TDA class. Have to wait until I get paid. I’ve been seing soo many rumors of fraud and scam about Chris Hauser and how he would lead you to getting your house in foreclosure and lead you to prison. saying, Chris Hauser has gone missing. But you don’t see any more YouTube videos from him for 8 months. I hope this isn’t true as I just was loving the away he teaches. He broke down everything in laments terms and I had gotten so excited to use this process. Any luck with the 1099? Is Chris Hauser, still around? 

Shawn McNamara
Best Answer

I'm not vouching for Paths2Frdm or Tmeka & Caleb, but I've spent a lot of hours transcribing a lot of her YouTube videos and Instagram Live Q&A recordings so I can re-read and try to make sense of what she teaches. I have not put any of her processes into practice... I am slow & methodical in trying to learn before taking action. Here's what I've come away with thus far.

1. Tmeka's understanding and process has 'evolved' over time. She's heard teaching that we're to do things a certain way in videos from Nov/Dec 2022, and then 6-7 months later she has a slightly different answer on what specifically you should do. Example: In a Nov/Dec 2022 YT vid she's heard telling people to separate billing statements from the payment coupon. Stamp, Endorse, Send the statement portion (the bond) to the Trustee, but take the bottom payment stub (dividend check) to you bank for deposit. Seven months later she's heard saying that she never told anyone to separate the statement and coupon and that 'we' are now suppose to send both statement & unattached coupon to Trustee under her Stamp, Endorse, Send process. Perhaps she learned something in that seven months that caused her to amend her 'process'.??

2. When talking about "the banks", especially with relation to 'cashing in that dividend check', she doesn't ADEQUATELY & STRONGLY IMPRESS ENOUGH upon people that she's referring to the private side of banking which is the wealth-management and investor relations people that are series-7 brokers that must also be licensed securities transfer agents .... NOT your everyday teller you deposit your paycheck with.... AND that you have to: a) Have a Living Estate Trust established with a Security/Indenture Agreement in place with the Bank/Brokerage acting as Trustee; b) You have to have a Treasury Direct Acct set up under the Trust category/type that bears the same name as your Living Estate Trust; c) You have to open a brokerage account and have that tied in to your TDAcct so your broker can deposit/run your securities through.

3. When trying to explain her "SES" Stamp Endorse Send process, she will oftentimes inadvertently bring confusion by trying to explain how it's to be applied or utilized upon three different types of accounts. a) There's the "Service Agreements" (your utility, cable, cell phone accounts) that are classified as open-ended credit accounts that are oftentimes governed by rules above & beyond those found in the UCC.  They are tasked with providing public-benefit and your bill is a monthly recurring service fee. When Tmeka speaks about depositing those 'dividend checks', it sounds like she's referring these type of accounts. b) Then there's "Consumer Credit Agreements" (credit cards) that are private contracts that ARE SUPPOSE TO BE open ended but credit card companies are the most corrupt when it comes to abiding by consumer laws and those companies will literally challenge you to enforce your rights and hold them accountable. When Tmeka talks about SESing these type accounts, she also references the "Do Not Pay/Do Not Collect" status that she says will most likely not get awarded unless you put the credit card account into a "Dispute" process and even then you may have to take it to arbitration with FinRA under the classification of Securities Fraud, not a billing error. c) Then there's retail installment agreements (car loans) whereby your effort in using the SES method is to get the car loan discharged within 30 days from date of signing. With this type of account she says that in addition to her SES process, you must do additional things like Revoke their Security Interest in the property BEFORE attempting SES.  >>>>>  I say all this to highlight that there are differences in the types of accounts people are trying to discharge but sadly, Tmeka, in the process of teaching and answering questions, unintentionally makes it sound like her SES process is a one-stop solution for all the various types of accounts, which isn't QUITE accurate. If you can accurately discern and 'thread the needle' with respect to her answering questions that come from all-over-the-map, then you'll eventually pick-up on the fact that there are differences in how the various types of accounts are to be handled with respect to her SES process.

Here's my biggest observation: I'm all about trying to understand how Tmeka's SES process can/should be properly deployed against credit card companies. From what I've observed, it seems that the greatest success comes from those people who attempt to enforce their rights at the very outset or start of the credit card agreement, meaning, before you ever make your first payment, throw the account into dispute. The easiest way to do this is initiate a few charges on the credit card and wait for them to initiate your first billing statement. Once your first statement has been generated, dispute the 'balance owed'. In initiating or throwing the account into dispute status, follow Legalibus' process (the best out there) for how to carry out the dispute process. List all your rights (as beneficiary) and their responsibilities (as Trustee) citing the Trust Indenture Act of 1939, the USC, UCC & SEC rules and statutes. Tell them you expect open ended credit with no preset spending limit - use whatever codes you can find to back up your demand. Direct them to settle out your account every month based on 15 USC 1666(d). Make them aware that you know they're securitizing your account and that in doing so they & the account are subject to the SEC and that securities violations and fraud will be reported. >>>>> From what I've read and observed, if you do this at the outset before making any payments, you establish sufficient INTENT that your account, along with your relationship with the creditor, is/was set up within the framework of an implied Trust and as such the creditor is obliged to fulfilled their fiduciary duties for the benefit of the beneficiary and zero out the account each month. Use Tmeka's SES as part of the dispute process if you're confident enough in it & the dynamics or foundation behind it. You can attempt this with already established credit card accounts but I SUSPECT (I don't know for sure) that once you've given them payment, you tacitly agreed to be & confirmed your position within the relationship as the debtor/trustee responsible for settling the account each month and tacitly made them the beneficiary. I think, for established accounts where payments by you have been ongoing, it may be much harder to enforce your rights and that if you are successful in getting the account converted over to a no-preset spending limit with the creditor settling the balance each month, it'll only be possible by taking the fight all the way to arbitration.... if you're successful without having to go to arbitration, it'll only be because you KNOCKED IT OUT OF THE PARK with respect to making the creditor fully aware that you know EXACTLY what you're doing, you know and can quote codes & statutes in your sleep and that if they don't comply, you know exactly how to prosecute your claim of securities fraud against them both through FinRA and, if necessary, Federal District Court. 

That's all I have for now... I plan on doing this and will try to remember to report back here with my results. Good luck everyone. 

1 Comment

Great comment Shawn, your analysis shows that you are putting in the work to study and make sense of what you study. We will have more on some aspects of those processes soon. And definitely keep us posted as well on anything you experiment with or feel free to discuss questions during our Q&A sessions.

Wendi Moffett
Best Answer

I have ever been successful getting a hold of Mz. Jackson.  I also like a family called WinFam.  Chris is the OG!  It depends on how far you want to go.  Plus how confident  you are that what you are doing is correct.  I am comfortable with my knowledge, but I am not with interpretating the forms and using them correctly.  Opening a trust or getting tax id #'s with out verifying that I am on the right tract.  I have lots of people offering to look over my paperwork for a fee, I pay them, and then I still get vague answers. When i accomplish  this - I will give a shout out FOR FREE.  After that, it will be affordable and broken down into manageable tasks. Try out Eeon, he has some knowledge/  Chris is amazing with his knowledge too.  I have tried Chris's way and non of it has worked.  I have been sending in 1009's letters certified, etc for 4 years and non of it has worked.  My house is being foreclosed on and my vehicle was repossessed. 


@Wendi Mz Jackson is on you tube, my car was repossessed back in Oct. 22, and it has been 30+ days now since I sent my filing off for recoupment of my vehicle price that I was over charged for in the first place. I've had information before listening to Christopher houser and Mz Jackson, I just needed to know how to fill out the forms and I did learn how to after redoning and re-doing and re-doing to make sure I dotted all my i's and crossed all my t's for this process, I feel everything will go well and I still have other filings to do to recouping my funds from what I spent and what was debt. Then I'll start on the purchase process. If you watch Mz. Jackson you'll know all of the forms you need then once you read the instructions of each form it will let you know what other forms follow with the all other forms that you will need to file now I did hear him say that part. God bless!

Ros V

Hi everybody, Wendy are you saying that is been 4 YEARS and nothing Chris said or explains has EVER WORKED? I’m really wanting to hear what’s happening with that,


@Ros V I actually did the 1099a over a year ago. It took 10 months, but my Chase was fully paid for $7k and I posted in success stories. However my Wells F still has not. They closed my Chase. So honestly I think they got flooded with paperwork and just let you go to see what you’ll do next. Perhaps they need reported to the CFPB? That’s what I’m thinking. The amount of people who have the guts to pursue it further will be minimal and they may be “banking” on that small ratio. Just my thoughts.

Best Answer

Rosalind - have you received any responses? Is this all a scam? I've been through the ringer with my ex and attorneys I can't go down another rabbit hole if sending in 1099-A's doesn't work - thanks Hal

Daniel & Sara
Best Answer

I was about to join her site and do 1 on 1 a few weeks ago, then I came across Chris and well, here I am 

1 Comment

I was listening to her on you tube, and I've listened to quite a few of the other commentators on you tube and I'm a big fan of Mz. Jackson, Chris Hauser not familiar with the Jarretts heard a little bit of their process of Freedom, but I don't follow them like I do with Mz. Jackson, CH. God Bless us all

Bryan Nevius
Best Answer

Paths2FRDM info recently stopped my home sale/auction [I have solid proof too but I am not making it PUBLIC] by me hiring some smart guys for $5000 that was using some of Path2FRDM info, I had heard of Path beforehand but was skeptical. Path2 has said on videos it stopped other home sales too as it did mine if done the RIGHT way and that was significant for me and others I am sure. Paths stuff can be HARD to grasp since there is no real class room written material. The guys I hired spent a lot of time studying Paths and other material and were worthy of their hire for me anyhow. In the beginning we were going to sue the bank in a different way but we tried Paths material instead due to some success stories and trying to stay out of these CORRUPT Courts, most Federal Court judges are bought and paid for by the banks and are as corrupt as it gets, I have firsthand knowledge of that too. Some people fail others do not using Paths material. I think there is a very precise way of doing it RIGHT including the language/instructions in the cover letter sent with the Note…

This will tell you a little about it;

Explanation of What I Think is Taking Place by Sending the Endorsed Note Back to the Bank

What happened was when I was at the closing table I gave the bank a signed blank instrument [Note] using MY CREDIT that the bank could do whatever they wanted to do with it. It was an asset [just like dumb me handing over cash to them] on their books so they could loan it back to me, so they charged me full value plus interest.. Banks are very limited on what they can loan out, it was my own credit/money. They are NOTHING but a middleman loaning you back your own FUNDS. WHAT A RACKET...

So what you are doing now is re-issuing it the right way. Since I am the one who created it or the maker of it [which is key] I have the right [in the UCC] to go back in time. You’re fixing what you forgot to do which was to put a qualified endorsement with a pay to the order of with the medallion signature transfer on it.

I identified it [the signed stamped Note] as a security being transferred back to the bank with a medallion stamp signature guarantee. I did a qualified restrictive endorsement. If they the bank are honorable they should now settle everything. You do not have to have the original Note either, it can be a copy and if they endorsed it that needs to be removed.

You are sending them a tender of payment. See UCC 3-603, it is now PAID and there is discharge, plain and simple. I have heard it may be possible to go back after things are settled and get some of the funds paid on that Note back but I have not looked into that.
