I sent my credit card company a remittance coupon for payment, I did not send regular payment. They red flagged my account stating "friendly reminder you missed your monthly payment, were flexible... explore our payment plan if you need some help." They also charged late fees, intrest charges on purchases and they froze my card. Has this happend to anyone else before? Im aware they are going to push back but honestly I did'nt expect this. Next I plan to send coupon for payment and cover letter to the CFO and make minium payment. Not giving up!!!
Any Advise.... all feedback is appreciated!
All bills MUST be "paid" to maintain your accounts and credit standing. When the coupon is accepted as a means of debt discharge your account statement will show 'extra' credit as a negative balance. Do this until the coupons are always accepted as debt discharge, or pay the bill and get extra credit that you won't have to discharge.
Don't give up, just keep pushing