Help - How To Pay Bills with Coupon


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I am trying this on my Utility Bills and Cell phone.


I am trying this on my Utility Bills and Sprint/T-Mobile. I will update soon. 10-20-2022. CF


Here’s some additional confirmation about doing the coupon method- watch on you tube look up Jean blaine Keating he’s got 12 videos on there the one he’s talking about the coupon is #4, he’s an atty knows the corrupt side & remedy side- also he talks about the mortgages what they are doing there in video ##2

Yakeisha Allen

Hi James, thank you so much for all the details you shared here. A few questions I had for you: Do you send directly to the US Treasury? Do you keep the statement and coupons attached when sending? You complete the 1099A for the amount of the bill and fully fill out with endorsement on back? If you are possibly open to sharing a redacted copy of an A4V you have done before to share exactly how it looks, I’d appreciate it greatly.

3 Answers
Best Answer

In 2019 I lost about everything I had and started over. I been thorough hell since Jan of 2020 where I had an accident and I'm not disabled. I'm was being sued and audited by the was bad. I didn't know what to do. 

And then I happened onto Chris Hauser on YouTube. I watch that day listening and written everything he said. I sat at my desk and prayed for Gods help, not to win a lottery or for manna to fall from heaven, but for God to help me read and understand what was truly going on.  So, I listened to every video, wrote notes and started my research. In about a month of studying, I was able put the attorney in his place, sent him a 1099-A, Acceptance Letter, a Cease and Desist, and a Fee Schedule.I haven't heard anything from him again. Filed my UCC-1, Revocation of my Power of Attorney, added a new Power of Attorney, Certified my BC, and when I felt I was ready, began sending A4V coupons back with an Acceptance letter. I got some calls from poor ladies who didn't know anything and some didn't respond at all. My mortgage company sent their package back with a letter stating...."we don't accept cash". So, I kept on studying and began to focus more on CFR and the SEC and who and what the DTC is and how it works. They won't tell you this and the ones who know will want to charge you for the info. I believe in giving and I believe Chris Hauser does as well. He has blessed me tremendously because he help me believe that there isn't anything we can accomplish if we stick with it. 

So here is what I started doing differently, The FRB is the holder of all of our Trusts. Banks, Utility companies, Credit Card companies, etc are all connected through the DTC which connects them with the Treasury and the IRS. So, when you A4V any bill(coupon) write "Accepted for Value Exempt from Levy". Leave a space for your individual name and sign in Blue ink.  also add under the individual name.."Deposit to US Treasury Exempt #___SSback____, and charge the same back to STRAWMAN NAME Acct# ____SS#________." Do this in red ink on the Statement Only! Not the Coupon!!!  The back of your SS number is a reference to a Routing number or can be used as the Routing number. Use the routing number and account number just like your see on a check on the coupon. Write everything on the Coupon in Blue. Ex

Pay to: United States Treasury

Write out the numbers for the amount just like a check                            0.00 

Bottom left "For: Debtor Account"                                       Individual signature in blue, bene or AR

Endorse the back of the check in Blue and add under deposit to US Treasury. 

Send back with a Notice of discharge or Conditional Acceptance. Give them the information they need to discharge. Send a 1099-A and your good to go. 


Thank you for all that great information. As I work the night shift, I have more time to read and study. Thank you a lot!


I do not have anything else. I have not started any other process. I assume the UCC 1 is what I need to actually be doing next, Right? I was born in another state though than where I live now. So it will probably be a few complications....

Sheila DiTirro

I'd like to see that see your Cease and Desist, the Fee Schedule, Revocation Power of Attorney, and know how you got a new Power of Attorney. I've been watching Chris's videos day and night, Q&As,
and court cases. I haven't seen any videos on what you just described. But he has a whole lot more videos I haven't seen. 😂 I'm gorging myself on them day and night. I need to see a copy of the Accepted for Value Exempt from Levy; if you're willing to share you can email me at

shantha white

hello I would love to see a copy of the Accepted for Value Exempt from Levy; if you're willing to share you can email me at


Thank you so much! I got audited by GA state for 3 years right after I complained to my State Congressman about a tax return that was witheld. Because I called the Assigned tax rep to acct I got audited by the State for 3 years of accepted State tax returns by "coincidence". They disallowed what was previously accepted and charged interest on top of that!! I have not know what to do as I have not had the money to pay it. I have lost everything too, including my job because I would not take the VAX.


hi, james

so you sent your coupon to the US treasury to forward it to wherever you needed it to get paid?

i’ve heard from christopher hauser on “youhavetheright” conference call on youtube that people were sending in the coupons to the treasury and directing Janet Yellen to pay the coupon to the credit card accounts. and everyone who did that got it paid out as quickly as 3-4 weeks. it’s because the bank can’t deny payment directly from the treasury.. i think this would be our best bet. but what i’m looking for, which would help us all is some sort of template of what exactly to say to the treasury when sending the coupon out to them.

I sent my state tax coupon in for 2020. After an audit I was told I owed 10,000.00. So I send the coupon back as a money order with a 1099-C. You need to send a copy to the IRS also. Now I have found out that All assets deposited into a bank were sent to the FED and converted into Fed Reserve notes and multiplied x 10. They only return you 10 percent and the IRS gets 35 percent and the bank keeps the rest. You are making a loan to the bank on every deposit. The banks never secure your assets and if you don't claim the loss with the IRS (1099-OID), after 3 years the bank can claim your assets with a 1099-A and state that you abandoned the assets. So I went back and amended my return filing the OIDs on the bank and mortgages. My return went from oweing -5000.00 to a return of 329,000.00. I am fighting with the TAS and the return just went to the top of the IRS. You don't owe taxes, the public entities you do business with are charging you every month for the taxes they owe. But, you signed an agreement to pay the taxes. So you need to rescind the contract and cancel the debt. You can only do that with the Trustee appointed by the US Treasury. You need to find the registrar at the holding company that holds your assets. You can find it at Look for the 8k and 10k for the trustee company. It will list the registrant who you send your promissory note to. You will need to pay the stamp tax and make the promissory note into a bond. Sign the back payable to the US Treasury. 

From: Christian <>
Sent: Friday, June 2, 2023 10:20:49 AM
To: James Scarborough <>
Subject: Re: I am trying this on my Utility Bills and Cell phone.

hi, james

so you sent your coupon to the US treasury to forward it to wherever you needed it to get paid?

i’ve heard from christopher hauser on “youhavetheright” conference call on youtube that people were sending in the coupons to the treasury and directing Janet Yellen to pay the coupon to the credit card accounts. and everyone who did that got it paid out as quickly as 3-4 weeks. it’s because the bank can’t deny payment directly from the treasury.. i think this would be our best bet. but what i’m looking for, which would help us all is some sort of template of what exactly to say to the treasury when sending the coupon out to them.

Sent by Legalibus

Yakeisha Allen

Hi James, thank you so much for all the details you shared here. A few questions I had for you: Do you send directly to the US Treasury? Do you keep the statement and coupons attached when sending? You complete the 1099A for the amount of the bill and fully fill out with endorsement on back?

Yakeisha Allen

Hi James, thank you so much for all the details you shared here. A few questions I had for you: Do you send directly to the US Treasury? Do you keep the statement and coupons attached when sending? You complete the 1099A for the amount of the bill and fully fill out with endorsement on back? If you are possibly open to sharing a redacted copy of an A4V you have done before to share exactly how it looks, I’d appreciate it greatly.

Yakeisha Allen
Best Answer

@Christian, I do agree with you that this would be an ideal route to take by sending to the Treasury  if it is being reported as working timely like that. were you ever able to acquire a template for the letter to send along? If so, would you kindly share that at

Best Answer

Update- Water bill and Electric so far have rejected it. But I am preparing Conditional Acceptance Letter. Oct 26th, 2022. CF


Another update. All 3 were rejected and I have sent Conditional Acceptance Notice to all 3. I am now preparing Notice of Discharge?? is my next step I think??


Another update. I have prepared 3 letters of default for when the acceptance letters don't get answered. Then later is letters of discharge. But I am looking into other ways besides Coupon Method, as seen in above posts. TY

Rachel - Louise

I'm definitely following your updates! Praying for you on this as well. If you are willing to share, could I read your notices and conditional acceptance? I'd love to have a starting point to work with. I want to try this for my bills this month. Have been signing with bene signature on all the payments made to them for the last 2 months. if you're willing to share any documents. Blessings in this!


did you monetize the CA’s and send them to the US treasury with an assignment agreement to redeem the lien securities??

and also, i’ve heard from christopher hauser on “youhavetheright” conference call on youtube that people were sending in the coupons to the treasury and directing Janet Yellen to pay the coupon to the credit card accounts. and everyone who did that got it paid out as quickly as 3-4 weeks. it’s because the bank can’t deny payment directly from the treasury.. i think this would be our best bet. but what i’m looking for, which would help us all is some sort of template of what exactly to say to the treasury when sending the coupon out to them.