Help - The 1099-A Process


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1099A forms submitted with it


Curious.    After filing the 1099a. In the first video Chris says. They need to file a 1040V in order to for the dealership to get the money sent to them 

In a later video  he stated that a 1099-oid, 1096. And a 1040v. 

Just want to clear air.  What all forms are they supposed to file in addition with the 1099A to get the payment?    

The 1099oid, 1096, and 1040v. It just the 1040v by its self 

Also.  All 3 parts of the 1099A are to be filled out?    Also do I just sign the 1 or all 3??  And is it just the red copy to sign? Or do the carbon copies need signed 

1 Comment

IF you can find a dealer to serve as your trustee, you will be very lucky. A better option is to have a trained trustee file for you.

5 Answers
Steven Negron
Best Answer

I've watched Chris videos several times.  From what I understand, as the beneficiary you only fill out the 1099A. You endorse the back with the beneficiary signature.  You instruct the Trustee to fill out and file 1099OID, 1040V, & 1096. You fill out the 1099A they just have to file it.  You as the beneficiary, file nothing.  If they want the money faster, They file the 1199A in lieu of the 1099OID.  I hope this helps clarify.

Best Answer

Trustee must submit 1096, 1099A, 1099OID, 1040V, 8281, 8811, 8888!  The 8281 is in the 1099OID instructions. By the time this posts, the list may be longer.

People must understand, as the Beneficiary you are not permitted to file the documents. You file your own Documents you are acting as the Trustee, also. That is Trust Fraud. You may end up spending some Time at Club Fed.


Are we being trustees for each other? How do I get to work with a trained Trustee??

Training comes with experience in filling out and filing the Documents. It is a process. And as Christopher Hauser is Always recommending, read the instructions to every form. You will learn if another document is required. Fill out the 1099OID and you must also file the Form 8281.

Have you been successful in your process in getting funds for whatever acquisition though the 1099a?

Gabriel, because of my Fiduciary relationship as a trustee with a few people, my answer to you is know. When I first started filing 1099A's, I like many did not know about Form 8281, Form 8811, Form 8888; then there came the CUSIP number.
So my original Documents had to be amended and refiled, which have been received by the IRS. As my return receipt indicated. Original Forms were mailed to 11 Constitution Ave, but the Return Receipt was stamped by the IRS in Ogden, UT. ??
There from the Government and they are here to help us!
Still have four sets of documents in LIMBO.
Download IRS FORM 56 and learn how to fill it out and file it. It will make you the Fiduciary of your Cestui que trust.
Guess The Treasury has staffing issues just like many other entities.


Does anyone have hard factual evidence that this process works? I’m sure there are others looking for an answer. Let’s help so we can make a difference in all of our lives.

Best Answer

@Tom - If you don't believe that this 1099-A process works, then you're just another person who isn't ready to try this.  That's ok.  I know my 1099-A just paid off 51k for a debt I've had.  I'm going to post a success thread, but not yet as I don't have pictures yet.  Anyway my point is that if you don't want it bad enough, it will never work.  You literally have to tie your own knot here, so to speak.  You'll only trust the knots you tie, right?  I've said enough.  THANKS LEGALIBUS!!

Eric-Tyson: Peterson
Best Answer

From what I understand, the trustee needs to file a 1040v , 1099oid, and a 1096 along with your 1099a and a 88-88 will fast track the payment with direct deposit. And I believe you only autograph the red one 

1 Comment
joanne swearingen

also a form 56 feduciary relationship

Sheila DiTirro
Best Answer

I suggest that you take all his courses because he answers all your questions on the 1099-A in his videos.


Yes I have.
If the first video. Chris states that they meed to submit a 1040v with 1099A
In a later video Chris states that a 1099-OID, 1096, and 1040V is to be submitted with 1099A
That is what I am asking. He stated 2 different processes.
I understand the process. I'm just asking the clarification of which one is all.
I believe I need to submit all 3 and not just the 1040V by itself


Does anyone have actual hard factual proof that the 1099 a process works? A verbal is not hard proof