I sent a 1099A to Santander Consumer USA legal dept around the first week of July along with a letter explaining Im the living being and not the legal fiction/chattel. I sent it certified mail and had my letter notorized. Santander called almost daily for "payment" but I did not answer their calls. My auto has not been repossessed. On my credit report recently it is showing as charged off. My question is this. Do you know if this is the result of the 1099A discharge. How would I know its the 1099A that discharged the debt? Should I expect to see the title sent to me if this was the 1099A discharge? Thank you for your input and I wish you much success on your freedom journey.
Why send it to the legal department? They are on the public side and will always try to bring you into that side, its what they have been taught.
A charge off means its past a point of where they would collect on if. I’m guessing you made no payments for 2/3 months?
The 1099a did nothing for you because you sent it to the wrong party. If they have not repossessed, the collections agency will. You are supposed to send the form to the indentured trustee of the company?