Help - The 1099-A Process


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Repossession of Rent-to-Own Property

Estrella Torrez

Curious to whether or not 1099A process can help my situation. the past 3yrs i have been living and constructing a tiny home shed which was contracted on a rent to own with option to close at anytime allowing them to retrieve the property back. now this contract was not made in my name but my mothers, for the simple fact its located on her property but aside from that i was responsible for all the payments. The problem is that she threatens to have it picked up the entire time of living in it. fast forward to now come to were I've had it just doesn't seem worth the trouble anymore despite all my time effort and money put into it. but before just allowing her to get this one over on me my question is if perhaps there's another option that may play as a benefit after repossessed of this particular property if the possibility to turn around and purchase the property in my name as well as purchasing it in full using this process?
