The finance company will not send me a coupon, can I send the 1099A without it and send remittance letter? They want only online payments.
2 Answers
I was receiving all of my statements electronically. I turned off that option and opted for everything to come via mail. It was then that I was able to get my coupon, which is at the end of your statemenit was. After I sent my coupon, I then received a letter from each company. One company has “closed” one of my four accounts, and frozen two of my others. Mind you I only sent a coupon for one of those credit cards from that same company. Now I have responded with a remittance letter and the 1099a. Now I wait, if my account is not credited then I will send them a conditional acceptance.
From my understanding
How do you pay it online with 1099a? It needs a wet signature doesn't it? Or did I understand that incorrectly?