Another Legalibus user discharged their auto loan and just received their Vehicle Title successfully. See below.
3 Answers
We hope to be able to share more about this success story in a Q&A in the future... the discharge was done this time using the legalibus private banking module 1 strategy... for the title we had to be a bit creative... we hope to share it as a case study in the near future.
We have more success stories in the works. Stay tuned!
This is great! Never saw the language 'may be subject to the rights of a person under the original certificate." Actually can't say I ever saw anything written on a title like that.
Wonder what "UNDER" the original certificate means? Probably means something in the Black's Law Dictionary. How would one know who was ever on the 'original' certificate.
Happy for you.
I agree with Dariqus..A copied ownership, even in its wording is putting the onus on you. The possessor of the property and the continued debtor. You are yet the title in hand / Certificate of manufacturer holder and they committed joinder with you, once again. Yes, possession IS 9/10ths of the law but 1/10 gives you asset registration which the monetize and leverage. Request the original bill of lading. They can't give it to you. They sold it and its committed. They got the money from your account and if they give it back to you, they have to give you the money too.
It means that as long as there is a registration with the state's DMV, the "person" with the rights is the State. Remember that "person" can be a corporation, trust, etc.. Until you acquire the original MCO (manufacturer's certificate of origin), and have the DMV destroy all registrations and titles on file, they own your vehicle. The loan discharge is the first step. Now you have to recover the vehicle from the State. Keep it going and congrats.
I've heard that if you discharge the loan on a vehicle that you cannot get the MOC. Also that the MOC that is sent to the state is eventually destroyed to make space for new paperwork. I'm not 100% sure of this information but would like to hear if anyone else has any details on these issues that we may come up against. I heard this originally from the BJW video series. He tells of a motorcycle he bought and his experience with obtaining the MOC. I'm curious as I am about to follow one of these course's processes but am not sure which one has had the best success yet. I see lots of course compliments but not as many testimonials of success with the processes, so I am hoping that people are having success and peter off from the keyboard.
This is Amazing!!
Wonderful 😊
would love to hear the story
Using what?... coupon? 1099A? Letter of credit? Other negotiable instrument?...🤷♂️
They could've used FRNs and this statement would still apply!🤔
The state stills holds the MCO/MSO to the vehicle. Manufacturing Certificate of Origin. It’s the real title. They give you a certificate of title, letting you use their government vehicle. When you register something, you sign over your property. Only way to own anything in America is to have an allodial title. And you can’t have those in America.
Can they please share the process they used?
WOW!!!!! That is great