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Chase Payment Debt Cleared!!!


I just did the coupon process for my Chase Visas. 

I have 3 cards with over 20k combined debt between the three. So far one for 9k has just been cleared. Received an email from Chase that my payment has been received. My available credit on that account has been restored as well. Still waiting for the other 2 cards.

All I did was send in a coupon with the UCC codes on it along with a notarized letter stating definitions, laws and that they are commiting trust fraud.

I did have to reach out to Chase member services which I did via online portal on my account dashboard. Told them I had sent a payment voucher and listed UCC 3-603. That was yesterday 9/29/2022. Woke up this morning 9/30/2022 and my account was credited $9000

Will update if charges get reversed or anything else happens


Congrats on the success. Would you be so kind to share the letter? Also did you send it to the regular payment address on the coupon or to the alternative payment address found on the back page of most coupons?
Thanks in advance


It won't let me upload the letter but basically stating that they send me a statement every month. provide definitions of a statement, bond, and coupon. Stated all the relevant UCC codes. told them its trust fraud and to redeem my coupon within ten business days. Had it notarized. I have only cleared one card for 9k. The other 2 I am still trying to bug them. Haven't called yet but have communicated through Chase secure messages. In which they don't reply. Will call soon and update


Update 10/28/2022
Chase Payment has been reversed. Am going to call the executive branch rep that I spoke to before and see if there is any update. I think they haven't accepted any of the coupons. The only reason they credited my account was because of a temporary credit from the disputes I sent in secure message. Got a message saying they could not locate my payment and therefore the payment credit is reversed.

Still waiting for paypal to call me. So far nothing from Amex.


Update 11/2/2022

Chase Payment still reversed. Left a message with the chase executive. He returned my call saying we will respond in writing. None of my accounts have been cleared so the next step for me is wait for their response. Then I will send a conditional acceptance along with a 1099a.

Found a way to run the 1099a through a regular printer. works for filling out all 3 copies A B and C

Alex Stoll

How have you found how to run a 1099-a through the printer? Please do share. Please keep us updated!

4 Answers
Joseph Ryder
Best Answer


Tuwanna Rico
Best Answer

I have been trying to pay credit card bill and electric bill with coupon for over a year now.. All I got was closed accounts and credit score from 730 to 513.. I don’t know what else to do.. I read that we are to send the coupon to the companies indenture trustee… to find indenture trustee you can Google (8k report for “your “ corp name) and just read their 8 k report it should tell you who the Indenture trustee is(usually a bank) and where to mail your coupon. waiting on response from this method.. it’s so frustrating!! Good luck everyone!!

DeAndre Walker
Best Answer

Was this a loan and how much was the loan for?

1 Comment

All of these were credit card accounts

Best Answer

Update 10/18/2022 :  Got a call from an employee from the executive department of Chase bank. Was told they are looking into my dispute. Explained the relevant UCC laws. He admitted to me on a recorded line that he received my letters. When I asked why one card has been accepted and not the other 2 the response I received was that their legal team is looking into it.

Also on the card that the $9000 payment was accepted just had the credit limit reduced by $9000. Now my limit on that card is 1100, just above the amount I owe on it.

I explained to the Chase employee that reducing my credit line was a violation of 15 USC 1681 to which he said "our legal team is looking into your letter and I will have them look into this as well"

So waiting to hear back from them

Side note: notarized another 2 letters and sent 2 more coupons to Paypal credit and American Express. Still waiting to hear back from them as well. Certified return receipts have been received

Robert Leslie

Great to hear. Looking to use this process, please keep us updated with results!


James, Thanks so much for keeping up with changes in your efforts and detailing what is really going on. Kudos to you for sharing.

Vanessa-Ann: Galvanek

Its Jan 2023 now so would love to receive an update James.

I am especially interested As I have sent first round of coupons to Paypal Credit (synchrony) and Amex and have only been able to get a provisional or temporary credit of $310 on my Paypal Credit account. I am afraid that they too may reverse this payment when they cannot locate "a cashed or processed or cleared check or money order" as the letter from my other CareCredit healthcare card (also Synchrony) account did after posting a credit of $242.62... I did speak to a customer care rep there to ask who made that payment and after some research she indicated it definitely was the US Treasury!!! I was overjoyed... Sadly a month later they reversed the payment and put it back on my balance. So now I am working on a version of a letter to the CEO that I have submitted to CH for review so that I can demand that they process the coupon in their possession within 10 days.


James how are things going? Vanessa-Ann any updates? So if they Syncrony already received the U.S. Treasury payment and took away the credit on your account, what did they do with the money?